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5 Sustainability Report Highlights You Should Know

Continuing our drive to become one of the most sustainable global professional sports teams, Tuesday July 16, sees us release our latest Sustainability Report.

The report covers in detail the progress we have made in reaching targets set for the period covering January to December 2023 and lays out our ambitions to build on these in the future.

We have pulled out the most important headlines and numbers that sum up how each area of our operations is striving to make positive changes and contribute to our journey.

At Home

The journey to hitting our sustainability targets starts right at home in Brackley.

In 2023, we continued to ensure that 100% of the electricity used at our factory came from renewable sources through the purchase of electricity backed by Renewable Energy Guarantee of Origins (REGOs) certificates.

Last year our team members undertook over 5,650 lift sharing journeys, through a scheme which allows team members to share vehicles when commuting to and from Brackley, helping us reduce our commuting emissions by 412 tCO2e in 2023.

On the Road and in the Air

As a Formula One race team, we are always aware of the global nature and impact of our sport.

As such, we have already taken and continue to invest in bold action to address and reduce our emissions, including initiatives such as Sustainable Aviation Fuel, biofuel, low carbon building design, energy conservation and waste reduction.

In 2023, these investments allowed us to achieve a 10% reduction in market-based Race Team Control emissions compared to the previous year, representing a saving of over 1,700 tCO2e, and progressing towards our target of 50% reduction in Race Team Control emissions by 2026.

In total, we reduced our business travel footprint by 6,695 tCO2e in 2023 by using SAFc (Sustainable Aviation Fuel certificates), compared to 2,268 tCO2e in 2022.

For more on our emissions targets and progress, click here

On the road, the use of HVO100 sustainable biofuel in our race team and hospitality trucks and generators across the European season, for the second season in a row, led to a 67% emissions reduction and saved 339t CO2e.

Building on the increased investment with the team’s title partner PETRONAS and our logistics partners, we will be using our learnings from 2023 to maximise the use of HVO100 biofuel into 2024 and beyond, both on the road and in the Formula One paddock.

Accelerate 25

Our people are our power. Our Accelerate 25 campaign, first introduced in 2020, aims to ensure our team is as diverse and inclusive as it can be, to reflect our determination to embed EDI within the heart of our team.

Without compromising our standards for entry or quality, we have consistently exceeded our target of 25% of new hires from under-represented groups since 2021.

Throughout the year we ran numerous activations with our Accelerate 25 partners to help us open the world of F1 and engineering to the next generation of young minds.

For more on our Accelerate 25 and EDI initiatives, click here.


In June 2023, following a vote by our team members, we welcomed leading mental health charity Mind as our Official Team Charity Partner for 2023 and 2024.

We have set a goal of raising £75,000 by the end of our partnership with Mind, and by December 2023, over £16,000 had already been raised through various internal activities.

From football matches with Aston Martin to team karting nights and multiple fundraising activations in the local community, team members have gone the extra mile to help Mind with the important work they do in supporting those struggling with their mental health.

Community and Belonging

In 2023, the team also supported over 100 international, national, and local charitable causes.

In Brackley, we provided STEM grants to five of our local Brackley schools.

Trackside, we brought the world of F1 closer than ever before to those around the world, with pit lane walks for marshals and fans, and a unique Neurodiversity pit lane walk in Australia. We hosted charity Meet and Greets in Australia, Austria, Silverstone, Netherlands, and Austin, whilst in Miami and Las Vegas we provided garage tours for schools from the local community.

Internally, our team members launched a Working Family Network to provide a community for those in our team with varying levels of caring responsibilities and for those who wish to support an inclusive working environment.

On our 2024 Sustainability Report, Toto said:“The report is about much more than our results. It is about our people; their collective power and our impact on the world within and beyond motorsport.

“This reaches well beyond our footprint and what we must do; it’s about our innovation and what we can achieve by inspiring others to follow.”