Everything You Need To Know About Our Fan Area
Whether you are a long-time Silver Arrow or it’s your rookie season, this FAQ page is here to help. From profile management to exclusive competitions, we’ve got answers to your most common questions.
Whether you are a long-time Silver Arrow or it’s your rookie season, this FAQ page is here to help. From profile management to exclusive competitions, we’ve got answers to your most common questions.
Your fan account is your key to benefits across the Team website and the Official Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Team Store. You can use your existing Official Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team Store credentials to access the fan area on mercedesamgf1.com. The first time you sign in after January 13th, you may be required to reset your password.
On mercedesamgf1.com, you can access exclusive interactive content, competitions, wallpapers and driver cards.
On the Official Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team Store, account holders get faster checkout, order tracking, easier returns, VIP access, exclusives and multiples addresses.
Make sure you sign up for early access to new launches and exclusive offers here: https://mercedesamgf1.com/api/auth/signup?returnTo=/fans/my-feed
You can update your name, password and marketing preferences by clicking ‘My Profile’ in the ‘Fans’ dropdown menu.
By logging in on the Official Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team Store , you can update your shipping addresses, track orders and process returns, and update your wish list.
You can update your marketing preferences in the ‘My Profile’ section in the ‘Fans’ dropdown menu. In ‘My Profile’ you can select whether you would like to hear about Team news, merchandise updates or unsubscribe from email communications.
‘My Profile’ is only available to logged in users.
You can reset your password in the ‘My Profile’ page under the ‘Fans’ dropdown menu. ‘My Profile’ is only available to logged in users.
If you forget your password, you can reset it by clicking ‘Forgot password’ when logging in to either mercedesamgf1.com or the Official Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS F1 Team Store.
You can access competitions in the ‘My Feed’ and ‘Competitions’ sections of the website under the ‘Fans’ dropdown menu. To enter a competition, you need to be logged in to your fan account.
‘My Feed’ is only accessible to fans once they are signed in to their accounts.
Please see our terms and conditions for competitions: https://www.mercedesamgf1.com/terms-and-conditions-competitions
Wallpapers can be found in ‘Wallpapers’ under the ‘Fans’ dropdown menu. To download wallpapers, please ensure you are logged in to your fan account.
Please visit our contact page: https://shop.mercedesamgf1.com/pages/contact