Why Is Black History Month So Important?
Kass: We do not celebrate Black History Month where I am from, so it is refreshing to come to the UK and experience BHM and to be a proud ally. It brings to light that there are more cultures and traditions worth learning and celebrating, which I think is important for any team member to experience.
Imaad: I have experienced and been exposed to diverse cultures from school. BHM was an important thing in school as there was a wide mix of ethnicities in Luton. It was just a big thing and well celebrated. It depends on the area you grew up in. If you grew up in a large multicultural urban area you are more likely to have been made aware of other cultures than if you grew up in a rural area which did not have as much diversity.
Jordan: My first experience of BHM was in school. It was important for me to know that there are other ethnicities that are also Black. Being Caribbean and learning that there were other Black cultures to celebrate, together with coming from urban London, allowed me to get to know more multi-ethnic people and celebrate their traditions. It is important as it enables us to have conversations with other people and learn.