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We’ve Seen So Far This Year That Anything Can Happen - Toto

Toto looks ahead to Round 7 of the 2022 Formula One season, the Monaco Grand Prix.

"We were treated to a thrilling Spanish Grand Prix last weekend and for us, there was a lot of encouragement to take from it. We are learning about this car all the time and bringing improvements to it, and in Barcelona we made a good step in the right direction.

"It was fantastic to see George battling with the Red Bulls to earn a well-deserved podium finish, while Lewis' fight back through the field from P19 to P5 was incredibly impressive.

"Now, we quickly move onto the next race. Nothing quite rivals the glitz of Monaco, and it's a true joy to see the drivers pushing their cars to the limit, threading their way through the narrow streets.

"It's a unique and incredibly demanding track, with an intense level of focus required to complete each lap. Monaco hasn't always been our happiest track, and slow-speed corners haven't been our strength this season as we saw in Barcelona, but we've seen so far this year that anything can happen and we'll be looking to maximise every opportunity."